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Reimagine your life

Ever hit a brickwall in life, where no matter what you do, the problem just won't budge? Perhaps, the solution to this seemingly dead-end problem isn't in doing everything you can but rather in thinking differently. However, that's easier said than done. If you want to take a new approach to the same  problem, then your brain will need to develop neural pathways that weren't there before! It's even got a scientific name; they call it 'neuroplasticity'. So, how do you get your brain to rewire itself differently?


It doesn't matter whether the pain point is coming from your relationships, career, business, or self. You might find that in some areas of life, you're able to change your mindset with ease and in others you might struggle. Or, perhaps, every area of life is presenting challenges. Whichever the case, it all goes back to the core beliefs you hold and the perceptions those beliefs create.  


Adopting new beliefs creates new neural pathways. New neural pathways help you perceive the world and your life differently. When you perceive your life differently, new possibilities open up for you, now helping you find solutions where, before, you could only see challenges.  


Think of me as your personal trainer for anything you’d like to achieve in your life. Much like a gym trainer. Wouldn't you be more motivated to push yourself harder in the gym, if you had a personal trainer? You would end up being more regular, you would set clear goals for yourself and you'd have single-point focus on achieving them. It's what a trainer or a life coach does for you. They hold space for you and support you in your journey.


Life can be quite challenging sometimes. Breaking out of the rut and moving on to the next level can seem scary when you're doing it all by yourself. But you don't have to do it all alone. With me as your coach, the process will seem less daunting. We will work together to help you gain clarity regarding your life situation. I will not only help you set specific, measurable, achievable and realistic goals, but also overcome negative thought patterns and make the behavioural changes to ensure that your personal transformation lasts. 


The idea is that, eventually, you won't need me to lead a balanced and fulfilling life. It's all about getting you to stay empowered. Of course, whenever you need a little push to elevate yourself to the next level or get yourself unstuck, I'll be here for you. 

Butterfly on a Flower


What tools do you use to facilitate coaching?

Given the nature of the work, coaching does not come with a one-size-fits-all approach. And so, I choose from a variety of tools I've been trained in: Vedic solutions, Flow Game, movement exploration, creativity exploration.


How will you know which tools to use for my personal coaching? 

It depends on you. Here are some key indicators I use to make that decision: how close you are to making a change, what's preventing you from making a change, your level of awareness of the situation, how clear you are about what you want to achieve, dynamics between the people involved, and how receptive you are to the tools in question.​


Can we add on or replace tools as we go through a few sessions, if I feel I need something else? 

Yes, we can. We will reassess continually, until we get the desired results.


I have worked with a therapist before. How will coaching be different? 

Generally, therapy works intensively on helping you get to know yourself better. Coaching, on the other hand, helps you make the changes you need to and proactively go after your goals. Besides, it's not an either/or thing; both therapy and coaching have their own place. Sometimes, people feel they need both and that's great! You get to do whatever works for you.


I am unable to locate the source of my life problems. Can you help me with this? 

The source of the problem might not be as important as we think they are. There might be better solutions in focusing on where we want to go. However, I agree that sometimes it's not very clear what creates obstacles along the way, and so, finding the solution seems that much harder. In such cases, Vedic solutions work well. (You might want to check THIS out.) But, of course, depending on the situation, we might need to use it in conjunction with other tools.

Team Meeting


Are you happy at work? Truly happy with what you are doing for 8 hours a day? Do you feel like you are always adding new tasks to your to-do list but never crossing anything out? When you are engaged in jobs that you do not truly connect with, not only do you struggle to sustain it, but also stand to lose your vitality in the process. 


Or perhaps you're one of the few who've figured out exactly the kind of career they want. You love your job, but you are unsure how to take it to the next level. Or maybe you run a successful business but don't quite know how to accelerate the company's growth from here on in.


Whichever be the case, having a career coach help you out can ease the uphill task. I can help you make that transition from where you're at now with your work to where you truly want to be. Having a fulfilling job doesn't mean you can't make good money too; it's all in the perspective. 


During your sessions with me, we'll work together to identify your mission, passion, vocation and profession. We'll look into which skills and talents serve you best, and which ones need more honing. The goal is to nurture a fulfilling career.

Teacher Resources


As a life coach, I’m passionate about helping others and guiding them into a new phase of their lives. I work hard on developing a personal, open and transparent relationship with my clients, and what they say about my services is incredibly important to me. Click here to read what past clients have said about me.

Autumn Pond


I believe that each of us is capable of a whole lot more than we think we are and that we have what it takes to be successful. Usually, individuals tend to give up a course of action if they face challenges or they see obstacles on the way. This can be addressed through coaching.


I take great pride in the progress and success of my clients, and I look forward to helping you. I have worked with individuals of all ages, and with companies big and small. I have worked with teams from the government sector and teams from the private sector. I have over 20 years of experience in teaching, and in consulting for companies. The last company I worked with was a startup and I saw that company go from a zero to a 1.5 crore company in 5 years. I now apply that experience in business coaching, getting leaders to accelerate and amplify their success. 


What you can hope to gain from our sessions is a structure, a format and an action plan to achieve your goals. That is with pure coaching. I could also wear my consulting hat and solve the problems your company faces, and even implement the solutions. This will depend on the scope of work, and what we agree upon. Both have their own sets of pros and cons, and we can choose which approach - coaching or consulting - is more beneficial for you.


So, what you get by engaging me, is over two decades of experience in coaching and consulting, in education and business, all rolled into one. I can take on different roles and responsibilities depending on what the situation calls for.


Above all, coaching is one of the more human and intimate professions, considering the depth, intensity, and engagement involved in supporting an individual on their journey. Here's where I feel I'm blessed: I've had the privilege of working with people of various cultures and from across the globe. I studied abroad and I now live in an international community. My multicultural environment has fostered my broadened perception, and I'm sure it will come in handy in our work together.

About me
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Vikram Devatha

Send me an email with your thoughts, and goals that you would like to achieve, WhatsApp me if thats your style, visit my Vedic Astrology website, or find me on LinkedIn.

Get in touch

©2023 Choosing Change

A unit under the Auroville Foundation

Aurelec, Auroville TN 605101 India

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